Saturday, August 24, 2013

Orange Lilies Photos: Free jpg Pictures

Free jpg images of Orange Day Lilies: These Lilies do not last for more than a day.
The lily photos are free to use with a link back for image credit.

Orange Lilies are stunningly beautiful flowers set against their rich green colored long and narrow leaves. This plants is many years old, and comes back year after year to bloom again and again throughout about a three or four weeks blooming season. They are a hardy plant and a gardeners delight.

This single Orange Day Lily photos is from another plant. Free to use jpg image of flower.

A different view of the single Orange Lily above.  Even the backside of a Lily is beautiful.

I kind of like the look of the photos of the Lilies underside with the sky and clouds pictured.

I hope you had a delightful time considering the Lilies.


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